Podoconiosis Project implementing partners are working in a scattered manner in Ethiopia. However, there was a need to make a coordinated effort among implementing partners for better progress in podoconiosis treatment and prevention by bringing partners together, building their capacity, facilitating learning forums, coordinating information sharing, creating awareness about podoconiosis, scaling up care and support in Ethiopia. It was this need that gave birth to National Podoconiosis Action Network (NaPAN) by interested podoconiosis implementing partners.
National Podoconiosis Action Network (NaPAN) was established in November 2011 to coordinate the work of podoconiosis project implementing partners. It was formally registered in April 2012 by Ethiopian Charities and Societies Agency (CSA) as an Ethiopian Residents and Foreign Charities Consortium.
We like to thank all podoconiosis project implementing partners for their initiative and support to form NaPAN. We would specially like to thank IOCC and TOMS for their unreserved support in the process of forming NaPAN. Special heartfelt appreciation goes to Professor Gail Davey, Mr. Sigurd Hanson, Tsige Amberbir, Ato Meskele Ashine ,Sara Tomczyk, Ato Kadu Maribo, and other individuals for their leadership and hard work during the formation and registration of NaPAN.